Self Matters : Creating Your Life from the Inside Out

Self Matters : Creating Your Life from the Inside Out


All of a sudden, while in the middle of conducting a therapy session, the psychologist thought to himself: 'Has anybody noticed that this crap doesn't work?' He looked at the couple in front of him and realised that what he was telling them about the 'nature of relationships' wasn't going to help them at all. The psychologist decided then and there to throw away the textbook theories, stop dispensing ineffectual advice and to 'get real'. Fifteen years later, the psychologist, Dr Phil, has two bestsellers under his belt and has helped hundreds of thousands of people to change their lives for the better. Now he tackles the issue of self esteem which he considers to be one of the greatest problems affecting people today. All too frequently we use it as a crutch, not a quality. In SELF MATTERS, he takes a straight shot at this favourite excuse of low self esteem, proposing a new plan; a new way to become your best self. It is time to say goodbye to the nagging fears that keep so many of us from fulfilling our potential. With his new programme, Dr Phil will show people how to get in the game and how to make self esteem about one's possibilities, not one's problems.


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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 336 pages
  • English
  • 074322423X
  • 9780743224239

About Phillip C. McGraw

phillip calvin mcgraw, best known as dr. phil, is an american television personality, psychologist and author who is the host of the psychology themed tele Read More about Phillip C. McGraw
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