With God, for the People (Teach Yourself)book by Laszlo Tokes
By Laszlo TokesWith God, for the People (Teach Yourself)book by Laszlo Tokes
For years Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu trod their people down. Only a very few dared speak out. For Laszlo Tokes, a young pastor in Timisoara, the coast of conscience was high. Beatings, intimidation, and rejection by church authorities followed his repeated stands against Ceausescu's regime and the church's subservience.
Violently evicted from their manse and removed by the Securitate to a remote village, Tokes and his pregnant wife waited in fear of their lives. Crowds gathered daily outside his church, making unprecedented demands for his release; within days, Ceausescu and his wife were dead and the Securitate routed. Tokes was immediately called upon to serve in the newly formed Salvation Front.
A first-hand account of how one man came to be the torch bearer for a country's freedom, and a spokesman for peace between warring ethnic groups. It offers a personal portrait of a man of faith who shuns the limelight and works tirelessly for his country's renewal.
Book details
- Paperback
- 260 pages
- English
- B01K965WI4
- B01K965WI4
About Laszlo Tokes
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