Called: Hello, My Name Is Mrs. Jefferson. I Understand Your Plane Is Being Hijacked. 9:45 Am, Flight 93, September 11, 2001

Called: Hello, My Name Is Mrs. Jefferson. I Understand Your Plane Is Being Hijacked. 9:45 Am, Flight 93, September 11, 2001


With one ring of the phone, Lisa Jefferson went from being GTE Airfone supervisor, suburban wife, and mother to being the listening ear to a nation shattered by tragedy. "Called" tells the gripping account of 9/11 from her vantage point. She recalls the moment she took the call from Todd Beamer on United Airlines Flight 93, and when she heard the immortal words, "Let's Roll. She remembers the way that her life was transformed vividly when she responded to the call. Jefferson sends a stirring challenge to all of us--whether it comes during quiet obscurity or international adversity, we must be prepared to answer God's call."

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 147 pages
  • English
  • 188127375X
  • 9781881273752

About Lisa Jefferson

lisa d. jefferson is an inspirational speaker, wife, and mother of two. she has received numerous awards and is currently involved in fundraising efforts f Read More about Lisa Jefferson
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