Common Sense on Mutual Funds book by John C. Bogle
By John C. BogleCommon Sense on Mutual Funds book by John C. Bogle
John C. Bogle shares his extensive insights on investing in mutual funds Since the first edition of Common Sense on Mutual Funds was published in 1999, much has changed, and no one is more aware of this than mutual fund pioneer John Bogle. Now, in this completely updated Second Edition, Bogle returns to take another critical look at the mutual fund industry and help investors navigate their way through the staggering array of investment alternatives that are available to them. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this reliable resource examines the fundamentals of mutual fund investing in today's turbulent market environment and offers timeless advice in building an investment portfolio. Along the way, Bogle shows you how simplicity and common sense invariably trump costly complexity, and how a low cost, broadly diversified portfolio is virtually assured of outperforming the vast majority of Wall Street professionals over the long-term. Securing your financial future has never seemed more difficult, but you'll be a better investor for having read the Second Edition of Common Sense on Mutual Funds
Book details
- Hardcover
- 656 pages
- English
- 0470138130
- 9780470138137
About John C. Bogle
john clifton "jack" bogle (born may 8, 1929) is the founder and retired ceo of the vanguard group. he is known for his 1999 book common sense on mutual fun Read More about John C. Bogle
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