Caught on the Net by Deanna Rose

Caught on the Net by Deanna Rose


This step-by-step book will guide individuals on an Internet dating journey designed to bring soul mates together. Deaana Rose provides the tools that will guide the reader in utilizing the power of the Internet to network professioanlly and personally. Waiting for that dream person to enter your life can be very frustrating when you are limited to whom you meet by chance. It is difficult for fate to work its magic when you are tied up with work and the daily routine. Deanna Rose broke out of the hum-drum, and, through trial and error, devised strategies to put the power of the Internet in your hands.Imagine placing a Personal ad on the Internet and finding hundreds of people with whom you share common interests, desires, and dreams. This user-friendly guide contains easy to follow instructions, examples, and practical advice from the woman they are calling "The Ann Landers of the Internet."

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 97 pages
  • English
  • 1930845014
  • 978-1930845015

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