Better Together, 40 Days of Community Workbook

Better Together, 40 Days of Community Workbook


Better Together Study Guide---part of the Living with Purpose series by Rick Warren---is a dynamic individual or small group study guide that will help you learn how to fulfill God's five purposes for your life. It includes the biblical support behind each purpose, the ways it applies to you and your circle of influence, and how you can use this knowledge to benefit God's kingdom.From the beginning, God planned for Christians to fulfill his purposes in community with each other in our church families, small groups, and in the world as a whole. Why did God plan it this way? Because we're better together! Better Together Study Guide will deepen your understanding of how God uses community for your own good and growth, as well as help you cultivate deeper relationships with those around you. Learn to fulfill God's purposes ... discover how we are better together.This study guide is designed for use with the Better Together DVD and Better Together Devotional Journal.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 239 pages
  • English
  • 141740325X
  • 9781417403257

About Rick Warren

richard duane philanthropists, rick and kay warren give away 90 percent of their income through three foundations: acts of mercy, which serves th Read More about Rick Warren
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