The McDougall Program: 12 Days to Dynamic Health Book by John A. McDougall

The McDougall Program: 12 Days to Dynamic Health Book by John A. McDougall


In this ground-breaking book, Dr. John McDougall, bestselling author and creator of the nationally renowned diet and exercise program at the St. Helena Hospital in Deer Park, California, introduces his remarkable twelve-day plan. Building on the idea that the traditional meat-rich American diet is hazardous to our health, Dr. McDougall has developed a medically sound, low-fat, starch-based diet that not only facilitates weight loss but also reverses serious illness, without drugs, and provides a broad range of dramatic and lasting health benefits. Step-by-step, he takes you through his revolutionary new program,
Over 130 easy-to-prepare recipes
Delicious day-by-day menus
Suggestions for healthful dining out
Plus a comprehensive listing of health problems from arthritis to ulcer disease, comparing the traditional, often drastic medical approach and The McDougall Program's nutritionally based alternative.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 436 pages
  • English
  • 0453006590
  • 9780453006590

About John A. McDougall

john a. mcdougall is an american irish physician and author whose philosophy is that degenerative disease can be prevented and treated with a low-fat, whol Read More about John A. McDougall
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