Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon
By Napoleon HillBuy Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill at Attic Books Nairobi Kenya
This 13-step program helps students assess their desires and abilities, teaches them to use their minds to their fullest capacities, and arms them with tools to achieve riches beyond their wildest dreams.
Think and Grow Rich is a guide to success by Napoleon Hill, which was first published in 1937 following the Great Depression. It was immediately welcomed as an antidote to hard times and remained a bestseller for decades. Many people still find its philosophy of positive thinking and its specific steps for achieving wealth both relevant and life-changing. Hill contends that our thoughts become our reality, and offers a plan and principles for transforming thoughts into riches, including visualization, affirmation, creating a Master Mind group, defining a goal, and planning.
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Book details
- Paperback
- 293 pages
- English
- 0449214923
- 9780449214923
About Napoleon Hill
napoleon hill was an american author in the area of the new thought movement who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success Read More about Napoleon Hill
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