The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! book by John A. McDougall

The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! book by John A. McDougall


Fear of carbs has taken over the diet industry for the past few decades--the mere mention of a starch-heavy food is enough to trigger an avalanche of shame and longing. Here, diet doctor and board-certified internist John A. McDougall, MD, and his kitchen-savvy wife, Mary, show that a starch-rich diet can actually help you lose weight and prevent a variety of ills. By fueling your body primarily with carbohydrates rather than proteins and fats, you'll feel satisfied, boost energy, and look and feel better.--From publisher description. Published By Rodale on 2013-06-04

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 370 pages
  • English
  • 9781623360276
  • 1623360277

About John A. McDougall

john a. mcdougall is an american irish physician and author whose philosophy is that degenerative disease can be prevented and treated with a low-fat, whol Read More about John A. McDougall
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