Repositioning Asia : From Bubble to Sustainable Economy Book by Philip Kotler

Repositioning Asia : From Bubble to Sustainable Economy Book by Philip Kotler


The Asian financial crisis has served as a catalyst for much-needed change, and made an urgent repositioning effort throughout the region critical. This text is intended to co-ordinate and guide such an effort. It provides a new model for the future of Asian business, one which extends the prospect of vital and sustainable growth to economies and companies which have struggled to survive in recent years. While the authors make reference to several macro-economic and national development concepts, their core analysis stems exclusively from the frameworks and principles of strategic marketing management. Their view is that a entire nation or even region can benefit just as much as a single company from using strategic management concepts to determine where it should be heading and how best to get there.
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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 244 pages
  • English
  • 0471846651
  • 9780471846659

About Philip Kotler

philip kotler is the s. c. johnson distinguished professor of international marketing at the kellogg school of management. he has been honored as one of th Read More about Philip Kotler
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