The New McDougall Cookbook: 300 Delicious Low-Fat, Plant-Based Recipes book by Mary McDougall

The New McDougall Cookbook: 300 Delicious Low-Fat, Plant-Based Recipes book by Mary McDougall


The perfect gift for the health-conscious chef from the bestselling authors of  The Starch Solution  and  The Healthiest Diet on the Planet.
Food is our most powerful medicine. And with this revolutionary program, the fat-free way to healthier eating has never been easier—or more delicious.
Thanks to John and Mary McDougall, countless health-conscious Americans have learned that our standard meat-heavy diet is hazardous to our health—and that the low-fat solution doesn't have to be low on taste. This collection of three hundred vegan, high-carbohydrate, virtually fat-free recipes offers a well-balanced, mouthwatering mix of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains to help you lose weight, reverse illness, and do right by the environment. Inspired by dishes from around the world, the recipes use familiar ingredients and rely on simple and consistent preparation methods.

You will also
· An explanation of the groundbreaking McDougall Program and its nutritionally based approach to health,    
· Easy-to-prepare recipes for nondairy drinks, dressings, and sauces that aren’t based on oil,
· Ten simple steps to make a lighter version of your favorite recipes,
· An updated “McDougall-Okayed Packaged and Canned Products” list to help you shop with confidence.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 405 pages
  • English
  • 0525936106
  • 9780525936107

About John A. McDougall

john a. mcdougall is an american irish physician and author whose philosophy is that degenerative disease can be prevented and treated with a low-fat, whol Read More about John A. McDougall
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