Job - A Man of Heroic Endurance : An Interactive Study Guide

Job - A Man of Heroic Endurance : An Interactive Study Guide


Sooner or later, we all go through our times of suffering and heartache, and the ancient story of Job offers timeless truth for us if we'll only listen. Now, in this study guide to accompany Charles Swindoll's illuminating study of Job's life in the million-selling Great Lives series, readers will gain a new understanding of the lessons to be learned from Job's story, and they will learn to develop their own heroic endurance.

The Great Lives: Job Interactive Study Guide includes the following features:

Digging Deeper: deeper insight into aspects of Christian belief and practice covered in the book Great Lives: JobTaking Truth to Heart: Personal reflection and applicationIn Other Words: Practical, applicable quotes from various authors, along with interactive questions to help readers absorb and apply the truth from each quoteTreasures from the Text: Teaching, application and reflection to help readers glean important principles from God's WordNuggets of Wisdom: Powerful application points to help connect to Charles Swindoll's teaching

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 258 pages
  • English
  • 0849945011
  • 9780849945014

About Charles R Swindoll

charles swindoll has devoted over four decades to two passions: an unwavering commitment to the practical communication and application of god's word, and Read More about Charles R Swindoll
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