The Way of Truth in a World of Fiction (The Way of Truth in a World of Fiction : Beyond The Da Vinci Code)

The Way of Truth in a World of Fiction (The Way of Truth in a World of Fiction : Beyond The Da Vinci Code)


The Da Vinci Code spins an absorbing tale of lost scriptures, suppressed versions of Christianity, and conspiracies that cover up the 'historical Jesus.' But that's just fiction, right? The truth is, some skeptical historians today take The Da Vinci Code even further with controversial theories about early Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus - and they even teach them as fact! Their surprising claims have kindled doubts and ignited a new set of questions concerning Christianity: Why are the Gnostic writings not a part of my Bible? What did early Christians really believe about Jesus? Did the Catholic Church actually rewrite history ... and the Bible? Who are the early church fathers and why are they important? The Way of Truth in a World of Faction : Beyond the Da Vinci Code Workbook refocuses the center of our beliefs on mainstream orthodoxy versus marginal heresies ... reinforces the source of inspired Scripture versus ancient 'Bible wannabes' ... and reemphasizes the Savior, Jesus Christ, versus competing views of the 'historical Jesus.'"


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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 245 pages
  • English
  • 1579726976
  • 9781579726973

About Charles R Swindoll

charles swindoll has devoted over four decades to two passions: an unwavering commitment to the practical communication and application of god's word, and Read More about Charles R Swindoll
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