The Challenge of Effective Speaking in a Digital Age

The Challenge of Effective Speaking in a Digital Age


A favorite with students, Sellnow/Verderber's THE CHALLENGE OF EFFECTIVE SPEAKING IN A DIGITAL AGE, 18th Edition, equips you with the skills you need to become a confident public speaker in both in-person and virtual settings. Its signature six key Speech Plan Action Steps guide you step-by-step through topic selection, audience analysis and adaptation, effective research, organization (with an emphasis on outlining), a wide variety of presentational aids (including how to avoid succumbing to "death by PowerPoint"), and language and delivery. Online tools -- including videos of student speeches accompanied by critical assessment questions and a robust MindTap Speech digital learning solution -- further develop and strengthen your public speaking skills. Grounded in the latest research and best practices, this bestseller is an exceptional resource for creating and delivering speeches.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 358 pages
  • English
  • 0357798783
  • 9780357798782

About Rudolph F. Verderber

rudolph f. verderber is a distinguished teaching professor of communication emeritus at the university of cincinnati, and the former national speaker's ass Read More about Rudolph F. Verderber
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