The All America Roses

The All America Roses


Reddell celebrates 40 award-winning roses wi th detailed profiles of each of the best varieties chosen fo r their flower and bud forms, bud and open bloom colour, flo wering effect, fragrance, vigour, foliage and disease resist ance. '

Chronicle Books is pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new gardening series, A Passion for Roses. Featuring the horticultural expertise of master rosarian Ray Reddell, these irresistible little hardcovers feature page after page of showstopping roses. Insightful gardening handbooks that are a visual delight, they make fantastic gifts for everyone who loves roses.In All-America Roses, acclaimed rosarian Ray Reddell celebrates 40 award-winning roses cultivated in the US, profiling each gorgeous variety with notes on fragrance, vigor, flower form, and color. With all-American names like All That Jazz, Mister Lincoln, Singin' in the Rain, and Sheer Bliss, these all-America roses are sure to bring a little pizzazz to any garden. Illustrated with lush color photographs, this is a wonderful introduction to these national beauties.

Buy The All America Roses by Rayford Clayton Reddell at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 96 pages
  • English
  • 0811818454
  • 9780811818452

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