Writers on Artists by Daniel Halpern

Writers on Artists by Daniel Halpern


Daniel Halpern has gathered together essays by over forty distinguished writers who discuss artists, works, or genres of visual art that have profoundly inspired or disturbed them. Now available in paperback, this volume covers a broad spectrum of world art history, ranging from Italian Renaissance painting to the abstract modern art of the twentieth century. Here one finds Ford Madox Ford writing on Holbein, Sartre on Tintoretto, Genet on Rembrandt, Proust on Chardin, Elizabeth Bishop on Gregorio Valdes, Randall Jarrell on abstract expressionism, and many other stimulating combinations. Each selection is accompanied by a full-page reproduction of the artist's work.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 378 pages
  • English
  • 0865473390
  • 9780865473393

About Daniel Halpern

daniel halpern (born september 11, 1945) is the founder of ecco press, an imprint of the publisher harpercollins. he is also the author of nine books of po Read More about Daniel Halpern
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