Your Baby and Child : From Birth to Age Five

Your Baby and Child : From Birth to Age Five


This newest edition of Penelope Leach’s much-loved, trusted, and comprehensive classic—an international best seller for twenty-five years, with nearly two million copies sold in America alone—encompasses the latest research and thinking on child development and learning, and reflects the realities of today’s changing lifestyles.

In her authoritative and practical style, Leach responds fully to parents’ every concern about the psychological, emotional, and physical well-being of their children. She describes, in easy-to-follow stages from birth through starting school, how children develop: what they are doing, experiencing, and feeling. And she tackles both the questions parents often ask—What does a new baby’s wakefulness or a toddler’s tantrum mean?—and those that are more difficult: How should new parents time their return to work, choose day care, tell a child about a new baby or an impending divorce?

Whatever the concern or question, Your Baby and Child supplies the information, encouragement, and reassurance every parent-to-be or new parent needs.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 560 pages
  • English
  • 0375700005
  • 9780375700002

About Penelope Leach

dr. penelope j. leach (born penelope jane balchin) is a british psychologist who writes extensively on parenting issues from a child development perspectiv Read More about Penelope Leach
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