One Good Word Makes all the Difference : Sometimes a small dose of medicine - one good word - is all that's needed

One Good Word Makes all the Difference : Sometimes a small dose of medicine - one good word - is all that's needed


Words, spoken and written, can impart encouragement, hope and comfort. Good words, passed from one person to another, have power to help and heal. I don't remember the nurse's face, or her name, but her words found a home in my heart for a lifetime. As you read this book, I pray my words will find a home in your heart, that they will encourage, comfort and help to restore you. Consider how precious you are to the Lord, Not a mere speck of God-formed humanity on the planet, Much more than that - You are His treasure, highly valued and cherished.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 142 pages
  • English
  • 0978062248
  • 9780978062248

About Rose McCormick Brandon

rose mccormick brandon's articles and essays are published in magazines, books, newspapers and devotionals in canada and the u.s. she is an award-winning w Read More about Rose McCormick Brandon
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