Dictionary of the Modern United States Military : Over 15, 000 Weapons, Agencies, Acronyms, Slang, Installations, Medical Terms and Other Lexical Units of Warfare

Dictionary of the Modern United States Military : Over 15, 000 Weapons, Agencies, Acronyms, Slang, Installations, Medical Terms and Other Lexical Units of Warfare

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Warspeak, the language of the military, can be for many civilians and for members of differing services an unintelligible hodgepodge of acronyms, slang terms and field operation expressions. Few laypersons may know that the Five Fs is a derogatory expression, though Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, Coast Guard and others know or can infer that chairborn commandos are administrative and support personnel. The over 15,000 entries in this comprehensive dictionary provide an inside look at the United States military. Weapons systems, governmental agencies, electronic warfare, medical terms, military infrastructure, communications, satellites and intelligence systems are among the topics covered in-depth. Also detailed are the acronyms and slang terms used by the soldiers in the field. The work provides numerous cross references for ease of use, along with a bibliography of over 2,200 sources.

Buy Dictionary of the Modern United States Military by Stephen F. Tomajczyk at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 785 pages
  • English
  • 0786401273
  • 9780786401277

About Stephen F. Tomajczyk

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