Leadership : It's in Your DNA by Rhea Duttagupta

Leadership : It's in Your DNA by Rhea Duttagupta


Taking in an amazing range of nationalities - British, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Greek, Italian, American, Korean - in Leadership: It's in Your DNA Rhea Duttagupta examines how her interviewees became leaders, what worked for them, mistakes they've learned from and risks they've taken. From boardroom politics to the challenges faced by the first female commissioner of Asian police tasked with transforming the world's one of the most corrupt prisons, the stories are diverse, inspirational and instructional.

This book provides readers with a framework of ten ingredients distilled from Rhea's extensive experience and research. She argues that these ingredients are innate within us and that if we recognise their importance and enhance them within ourselves, they'll help us maximise our achievements and our leadership qualities.


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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 304 pages
  • English
  • 1408168340
  • 9781408168349

About Rhea Duttagupta

ksh 2990
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