No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump?s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need book by Naomi Klein
By Naomi KleinNo Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need book by Naomi Klein
"Trump is extreme but he's not a Martian. He is the logical conclusion of many of the most dangerous trends of the past half-century. He is the personification of the merger of humans and corporations--a one-man megabrand, with wife and children as spin-off brands. This book is to help understand how we arrived at this surreal political moment, how to keep it from getting a lot worse, and how, if we keep our heads, we can flip the script and seize the opportunity to make things a whole lot better in a time of urgent need. A tool-kit for shock-resistance." --from the Introduction The election of Donald Trump produced a frightening escalation in a world of cascading crises. The Trump Administration's vision--the deconstruction of the welfare and regulatory state, the unleashing of a fossil fuel frenzy (which requires the sweeping aside of climate science) and an all-out attack on vulnerable communities under the guise of a war on crime and terrorism--will generate wave after wave of crises and shocks around the world, to the economy, to national security, to the environment. In No Is Not Enough, Naomi Klein embraces a lively conversation with the reader to expose the forces behind Trump's success and explain why he is not an aberration but the product of our time--Reality TV branding, celebrity obsession and CEO-worship, Vegas and Guantanamo, fake news and vulture bankers all rolled into one. And she shares a bold vision, a clear-eyed perspective on how to break the spell of his shock tactics, counter the rising chaos and divisiveness at home and abroad, and win the world we need. Published By Knopf Canada on 2017-06-05
Book details
- Paperback
- 273 pages
- English
- 0735273995
- 9780735273993
About Naomi Klein
naomi klein is the award-winning author of international bestsellers including this changes everything, the shock doctrine, no logo, no is not enough, and Read More about Naomi Klein
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