Great Women of Film

Great Women of Film


Celebrates the achievements of thirty women working in the motion picture industry, including actors, directors, producers, screenwriters, film editors, and production designers.A celebration of 30 women who have made a difference in the motion picturendustry, encompassing filmmakers and film editors, directors and actors,omposers and cinematographers, and everyone else in between. There areersonal interviews, anecdotes and personal reflections about the innerorkings of the film industry. Each woman selected tells her own story of howhe got into the film business, her real-life work experiences, herndividual thoughts and visions about cinema, and how her work and career inhe industry may differ from those of men. The photographic portraits in theolume are shot by international photographer Mike Manninen in collaborationith the author.

Buy Great Women of Film by Helena Lumme at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 128 pages
  • English
  • 0823079562
  • 9780823079568

About Helena Lumme

helena lumme is the president and chairman of nothing but real, inc/hälsa foods, and the creator of the new plant-based brand hälsa. with a promi Read More about Helena Lumme
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