Cuban State Budget: Concepts and Measurements

Cuban State Budget: Concepts and Measurements


Analysts attempting to assess economic growth in revolutionary Cuba are faced with two formidable obstacles: (1) official macroeconomic indicators published by the government are scarce and sometimes inconsistent because of frequent changes in the method of calculation; and (2) these indicators are not compatible with those produced by market economies because of differences in national income concepts. Because of these obstacles, it is difficult to analyze the performance of Cuba’s economy over time and to compare its economic performance directly with that of other nations.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 51 pages
  • English
  • 093550138X
  • 978-0935501384

About Jorge F Perez-Lopez

jorge perez-lópez is an international economist who has worked in the office of international economic affairs, bureau of international labor affair Read More about Jorge F Perez-Lopez
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