Grant Us Courage by Randall Balmer

Grant Us Courage by Randall Balmer


A sequel to the author's successful Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (OUP 1989), this book consists of twelve profiles of great mainline churches. Commissioned by The Christian Century magazine over a period of four years, the profiles show that not everything is as bad in mainline Protestantism as some have argued. Balmer's vivid and absorbing depictions of these congregations raise hope for the future of the mainline while still pointing to its grave and persistent troubles.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 170 pages
  • English
  • 0195100867
  • 9780195100860

About Randall Balmer

randall herbert balmer (born october 22, 1954) is an american historian of american religion. he taught at barnard college and columbia university for twen Read More about Randall Balmer
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