Working the Clock: How to Win the Race for Productivity and Profits with Workforce Management Technology

Working the Clock: How to Win the Race for Productivity and Profits with Workforce Management Technology


When was the last time you read a book that caused you to change how you manage your business? Working the Clock has that potential. It tells how data from an automated time and attendance system can be integrated with other software to enable executives to "see" what's really going on -- such as which products, people, and departments are top performers and which need help. It can create accountability among managers and workers and help goals be reached that range from boosting revenues in health care, to balancing lines in lean manufacturing, to maximizing sales in retail, and reducing overtime in any field.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 288 pages
  • English
  • 189253813X
  • 978-1892538130

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