50 Poems by Barbara Hammond

50 Poems by Barbara Hammond


These pieces have literary merit, as well as the power to inspire and cheer. The collection is interspersed with charming introductions of events that influenced the writing of each poem: moments of joy, pain, love, and healing not so different from your own. The collection is grouped by themes that range from aThe Higher Power I Know, a to aMothers and Sisters, a aFathers and Brothers, a aSons and Daughters, a aFamily, a aSelf-portrait, a aThe Beauty Of Love, a aRebellious Spirits, a aOutside My Window and the Street, a aSolitude, a and aMended Wings.a Dr. Barbara Hammond composed these pieces while healing from and transcending traumatic injuries, intermittent paralysis, and chronic peripheral neuropathy. Dr. Hammond was born and reared in Lumberton, North Carolina. She earned her bacheloras and masteras degrees from Rutgers and her doctorate of philosophy in psychology from Southern California University. She is a retired youth services planner and compliance auditor/analyst. Hammond is author of the River Bryyst mystery novels.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 209 pages
  • English
  • 1413737668
  • 9781413737660

About Barbara Hammond

lucy barbara hammond (née bradby, 1873–1961) was an english social historian who researched and wrote many influential books with her husband, Read More about Barbara Hammond
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