Outwitting the Devil : The Secret to Freedom and Success book by By Napoleon Hill

Outwitting the Devil : The Secret to Freedom and Success book by By Napoleon Hill


Now in a handy compact format, this title reveals how fear, procrastination and anger prevent us from realising personal goals. It is profound, powerful and rich with insight. Using his legendary ability to get to the root of human potential, Napoleon Hill digs deep to reveal how fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy prevent us from realising our personal goals. This long-suppressed parable, once considered too controversial to publish, was written by Hill in 1938 following the publication of his classic bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. This book- now available in a smaller paperback format- is profound, powerful, resonant, and rich with insight.
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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 288 pages
  • English
  • 1454903457
  • 9781454903451

About Napoleon Hill

napoleon hill was an american author in the area of the new thought movement who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success Read More about Napoleon Hill
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