The Church and the Culture War: Secular Anarchy Or Sacred Order

The Church and the Culture War: Secular Anarchy Or Sacred Order


Theologian Joyce Little examines the current conflict between American secular culture and the Catholic faith, with a view to enabling Catholics to understand why it is that such a conflict necessarily exists and what is at stake for both Catholics in particular and all Americans in general. The book focuses most specifically on the feminist movement, because feminism exemplifies in so many ways that relativism, subjectivism and individualism which characterizes the thinking of so many Americans today. Little argues that the secularism of our times is fundamentally anarchic and nihilistic and, as such, constitutes a frontal assault on the Catholic faith. Many Americans do not recognize the nihilistic character of the popular secular culture. Because secularism so often clothes itself in a host of catchwords which Americans find so appealing, the destructive character of secularism is not immediately obvious to them. Little shows why those who employ such language are wedded to a view of reality that is fundamentally chaotic and meaningless. The book emphasizes the importance of the dogma of the Trinity, and explains the trinitarian character of reality and the implications which flow from the fact that God is triune both in himself and as Creator. Little explains that the key conflict today is between the secular exaltation of human power and the Christian witness to a divine authority which transcends all things and demands our allegiance to it.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 207 pages
  • English
  • 0898705479
  • 9780898705478

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