Fit for Over 40 For Dummies by Betsy Nagelson
By Betsy NagelsonTired of feeling tired all the time? Do you find yourself thinking wistfully of the days when your belt-size was less than your age...your dress size less than your kid's last birthday? Remember when the only spare tire you had to worry about was the one in your trunk? Do you find yourself gasping for breath at the top of the basement stairs? If any of this sounds familiar, then you're ready for an over 40 fitness plan. And Fit Over 40 For Dummies is the place to start. Your complete guide to being fit and fabulous over 40, it shows you step-by-step how to set up a personalized fitness routine and stick to it, no matter what your age, weight, or athletic ability. Packed with practical know-how and inspiring anecdotes it shows you how to: *Lose weight and inches from your waistline *Boost your energy levels *Lower or prevent high blood pressure *Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes *Improve your muscle tone *Give your skin a healthy glow *Have a more vibrant sex life *Rebound from life-changing events more quickly *Get fitter than couch potatoes half your age *Live a longer, healthier life Combing her own experiences with the latest scientific research, retired women's tennis pro, Betsy Nagelsen McCormack explores what it takes to be fit over forty. And, step-by-step, she shows you how to: *Assess your fitness level *Eat right for maximum fitness *Choose and buying exercise equipment *Select the right gym *Develop a balanced program of aerobics, weight training and stretching *Integrate exercise into your daily routine *Prevent and working around common injuries and ailments *Explore sports, outdoor activities, and more Stop thinking about how great it would be to feel twenty-five again and do something about it. Fit Over 40 For Dummies helps you get on the road to health and well-being.
Buy Fit for Over 40 For Dummies by Betsy Nagelson at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.
Book details
- Paperback
- 330 pages
- English
- 0764553054
- 9780764553059
About Betsy Nagelson
betsy nagelsen mccormack has won three u.s. open women's masters doubles titles as well as the wimbledon 35 and over ladies' invitation doubles crown. mike Read More about Betsy Nagelson
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