In the Wake of War: Improving U.S. Post-Conflict Capabilities: Report of an Independent Task Force

In the Wake of War: Improving U.S. Post-Conflict Capabilities: Report of an Independent Task Force


The Council on Foreign Relations sponsors a Task Force when an issue of critical importance to U.S. foreign policy emerges, and when it is judged that a diverse and bipartisan group of experts will be able to reach a meaningful consensus on the effectiveness of current policy and what if any changes to existing policy are warranted. Once formed, a Task Force is independent. It normally conducts its deliberations in private over the course of several months and issues a report containing both findings and policy recommendations. The Council, a national, nonpartisan membership organization, takes no institutional position on policy issues.

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  • Paperback
  • 53 pages
  • English
  • 0876093462
  • 978-0876093467

About Samuel R. Berger

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