What to Expect when You're Expecting book by Heidi Murkoff

What to Expect when You're Expecting book by Heidi Murkoff


America's pregnancy bible answers all your baby questions. When can I take home a pregnancy test? How can I eat for two if I'm too queasy to eat for one? Can I keep up my spinning classes? Is fish safe to eat? And what's this I hear about soft cheese? Can I work until I deliver? What are my rights on the job? I'm blotchy and broken out--where's the glow? Should we do a gender reveal? What about a 4-D ultrasound? Will I know labor when I feel it? Your pregnancy explained and your pregnant body demystified, head (what to do about those headaches) to feet (why they're so swollen), back (how to stop it from aching) to front (why you can't tell a baby by mom's bump). Filled with must-have information, practical advice, realistic insight, easy-to-use tips, and lots of reassurance, you'll also find the very latest on prenatal screenings, which medications are safe, and the most current birthing options--from water birth to gentle c-sections. Your pregnancy lifestyle gets equal attention, too: eating (including food trends) to coffee drinking, working out (and work) to sex, travel to beauty, skin care, and more. Have pregnancy symptoms? You will--and you'll find solutions for them all. Expecting multiples? There's a chapter for you. Expecting to become a dad? This book has you covered, too. Published By Workman Publishing on 2002

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 610 pages
  • English
  • 0761121323
  • 9780761121329

About Heidi Murkoff

heidi murkoff is the co-author of the what to expect when you're expecting series of pregnancy guides. she is also the creator of whattoexpect.com and foun Read More about Heidi Murkoff
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