Echoes Across a Thousand Hills

Echoes Across a Thousand Hills


"Amelia Blossom Pegram is one of my favorite poets! Her poems of life remembered in South African and life lived in the States are a bridge 'across a thousand hills' of Black sisterhood."--Stephanie Stokes Oliver"Life is lived on peaks and valleys, one hill rolling in upon another thousandfold. At any given moment one is the total embodiment of all one's experiences. Echoes of the past intertwine with sounds of the present. The poems in Echoes Across a Thousand Hills come from the feminine first person of the poet, but they also reach out to others through universally shared emotions of anger, sorrow, mourning and calm, joy and celebrations; shared relationships with elders, peers, children, lovers and warriors." -Keith Henry Brown, Editor of Action PACT Magazine.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 103 pages
  • English
  • 0865434174
  • 9780865434172

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