Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire's Slaves book by Adam Hochschild
By Adam HochschildBury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire's Slaves book by Adam Hochschild
Eighteenth-century Britain was the world’s leading centre for the slave trade. Profits soared and fortunes were made, but in 1788 things began to change. Bury The Chains tells the remarkable story of the men who sought to end slavery and brought the issue to the heart of British political life. ‘Hochschild's marvellous book is a timely reminder of what a small group of determined people, with right on their side, can achieve. Carefully researched and elegantly written, with a pacy narrative that ranges from the coffee houses of London to the back-breaking sugar plantations of the West Indies, it charts the unlikely success of the first international human rights movement' Saul David, Literary Review 'Hochschild is such a gifted researcher and story-teller that he never fails to hold the reader's attention. . . For all its terrible theme, Hochschild's book is not in the least depressing, because it is suffused with admiration for the courage and enlightenment of the men and women who crusaded against this evil, and finally prevailed' Max Hastings, Sunday Telegraph 'Thought-provoking, absorbing and well-written' Brendan Simms, Sunday Times 'Stirring and unforgettable' Economist Published By Pan Macmillan on 2006
Book details
- Paperback
- 500 pages
- English
- 0330485814
- 9780330485814
About Adam Hochschild
adam hochschild is the author of eleven books. king leopold’s ghost was a finalist for the national book critics circle award, as was to end all wars Read More about Adam Hochschild
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