From Fallen to Forgiven: A Spiritual Journey into Wholeness and Healing

From Fallen to Forgiven: A Spiritual Journey into Wholeness and Healing


After an international modeling career, Hollywood fame, and eight marriages, Jennifer O'Neill finally found out what she had always been looking for - a true love affair with Jesus Christ. She candidly discusses her own trials as a lost soul looking for satisfaction in the things of this world. Jennifer's passion in life and the purpose of this book is to share with women the awesome depths of God's grace and challenge them to truly make Jesus Christ Lord of their lives.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 196 pages
  • English
  • 0849991099
  • 9780849991097

About Jennifer O'Neill

jennifer o'neill (born february 20, 1948) is a brazilian-born american actress, model, author, and activist. she is known for her modeling and spokesperson Read More about Jennifer O'Neill
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