Alone at high noon: Reflections on the solitary life

Alone at high noon: Reflections on the solitary life


In a world caught up by mania of push-and-shove, Hurried togetherness, there pervades a dreary loneliness threatening to consume our lives and society. The lonely life to some is a disease that seems engulf, to others it is that quiet place of reflection and elected solitude, and for still others to be alone is to experience the dark doldrums of recluse.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 94 pages
  • English
  • B0006VUAU8
  • B0006VUAU8

About Emile Cailliet

emile cailliet was born and educated in france and became an american citizen in 1937. he was on the faculties of the university of pennsylvania, scripps c Read More about Emile Cailliet
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