When Your Best Isn't Good Enough : The Secret of Measuring Up By Kevin Leman

When Your Best Isn't Good Enough : The Secret of Measuring Up By Kevin Leman


Some people feel they don't measure up to anyone's expectations. As a result, they tend to procrastinate, set unrealistic goals, or continually try to please others. With the positive, no-nonsense strategies offered in When Your Best Isn't Good Enough, readers can raise their low self-perception and overcome these feelings of rejection and inadequacy. Writing in his well-known, upbeat style, Dr. Kevin Leman helps those who struggle with self-doubt to value their talents and gifts and accept their shortcomings. He points out why the lifestyle we develop as a child determines our degree of success or failure and explains how, regardless of the past, each person can develop a healthy lifestyle today. Dr. Leman also shows readers how to apply these same principles in raising children with healthy self-esteem.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 256 pages
  • English
  • 080073193X
  • 9780800731939

About Kevin Leman

dr. kevin leman, an internationally known psychologist, radio and television personality, and speaker, has taught and entertained audiences worldwide with Read More about Kevin Leman
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