Big Game of Alaska : Alaska department of fish and game

Big Game of Alaska : Alaska department of fish and game


With the Klondike gold rush, a struggle erupted in Alaska between the protection of big game animals and man's economic ambitions, a riveting story chronicled by Morgan Sherwood in "Big Game in Alaska".In concise and clear prose, Sherwood charts the history of this environmental and political conflict, examining the creation of the Alaska Game Commission in the early 1930s, the use of distorted science and menacing technologies, the antipathy of farmers and fishermen toward animals, and the prevailing belief in man's right to shoot wild animals at will. An incisive historical study of the flawed attempts to govern big game predation, "Big Game in Alaska" will be essential reading for historians and environmentalists alike. 

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 59 pages
  • English
  • 160223034X
  • 9781602230347

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