Bringing up Kids without Tearing Them down by Kevin Leman
By Kevin LemanBringing Up Kids Without Tearing Them Down is packed with real life examples and the tools parents need to underwrite their kids' lives with a solid sense of self-worth and confidence. Often the very things parents do to develop self-esteem in their children actually does just the opposite-Dr. Leman helps parents avoid that. Some of the topics addressed are "Oh no, I told myself I would never do that to my kids," "The crucial difference between praise and encouragement," and "How to raise responsible children." Readers will learn to develop a strategy of discipline that works in any family with any child and how to get the best behavior from each child. At the end of each chapter, readers will find steps to follow in their own families, plus self-evaluating questions that help them gain insight into their own parenting style. There is also a question-and-answer section to quickly reference specific problem areas.
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Book details
- Hardcover
- 369 pages
- English
- 0385299451
- 9780385299459
About Kevin Leman
dr. kevin leman, an internationally known psychologist, radio and television personality, and speaker, has taught and entertained audiences worldwide with Read More about Kevin Leman
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