To Walk and Not Grow Weary book by Fran Sciacca

To Walk and Not Grow Weary book by Fran Sciacca


Has life left you feeling out of breath, drained, unable to be the person that by God's grace you've set your sights on? RENEW YOUR STRENGTH. When your resources are at a low ebb, you're susceptible to depression--and none of us is fully exempt from its inner grip. You may be struggling to stay above water, all the time fighting off factors from within and without--emotional fatigue, loneliness, discouragement, pressure to succeed, oppressive guilt, circumstances you can't change. Take heart! Scripture shows us that men and women of God have gone through the same depressing circumstances that plague us today--yet they triumphed through God's grace. To Walk and Not Grow Weary contains twelve Bible studies that present cameos of God's people under pressure. You'll learn how to identify human problems and welcome God's solutions in chapter such as: Job--When the Lights Go Out David--Dealing with Guilt Jesus--How to Handle Rejection Barnabas--Encouraging Others Let God renew your strength as you place your hope in Him. He has promised that you will "soar on wings like and not grow weary...walk and not be faint.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 88 pages
  • English
  • 0891090347
  • 9780891090342

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