Living The 80/20 Way: Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More book by Richard Koch

Living The 80/20 Way: Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More book by Richard Koch


If you knew that you could always get more of the great things that life has to offer, with less effort and cost, would you be interested? If you could find a simple solution to your problems by following a way that always works, would you be interested? If you could work a two-day week, and yet get much better results and pay than you do for a full week now, would you be interested? If that way applied not just to making a living, to money, or success, but also to the even more important areas of life - the people that you love and care for, and your happiness and fulfilment - would you be interested? You can transform your life if you follow the 80/20 Way. In his titles, The 80/20 Principle and The 80/20 Individual Koch demonstrates to readers how to use the 80/20 principle, achieving more with less in a predominately business context. In this third book, Koch now helps the reader to succeed personally as well as professionally, to make a good life as well as a living.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 196 pages
  • English
  • 1857883314
  • 9781857883312

About Richard Koch

richard koch is the bestselling author of the 80/20 individual. an extraordinarily successful entrepreneur, his ventures have included consulting for hotel Read More about Richard Koch
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