The Shadow of the Galilean : The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Narrative Form

The Shadow of the Galilean : The Quest of the Historical Jesus in Narrative Form


 Here, in narrative form, is an account of the activity of Jesus of Nazareth, scrupulously constructed so that it does not undercut the insights of New Testament scholarship. What makes it different from other such attempts is that Jesus never actually appears. What we find everywhere is his shadow, his effect. Such an approach avoids the usual pitfalls of the genre and lends this story - attributed to a fictitious narrator - an attraction, freshness, and power all its own. Tension and interest are maintained to the end, even for those sated with books about Jesus. Careful documentation in the footnotes shows how much of the narrative is based on ancient sources.
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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 232 pages
  • English
  • 0800639006
  • 9780800639006

About Gerd Theissen

gerd theissen is professor of new testament at the university of heidelberg, germany, and the author of the religion of the earliest churches (fortress pre Read More about Gerd Theissen
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