The Prestige Novel by Christopher Priest

The Prestige Novel by Christopher Priest


In 1878, two young stage magicians clash in the dark during the course of a fraudulent séance. From this moment on, their lives become webs of deceit and revelation as they vie to outwit and expose one another.

Their rivalry will take them to the peaks of their careers, but with terrible consequences. In the course of pursuing each other's ruin, they will deploy all the deception their magicians' craft can command--the highest misdirection and the darkest science.

Blood will be spilled, but it will not be enough. In the end, their legacy will pass on for descendants who must, for their sanity's sake, untangle the puzzle left to them.

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 418 pages
  • English
  • 0312858868
  • 9780312858865

About Christopher Priest

christopher priest was born in cheshire, england. he began writing soon after leaving school and has been a full-time freelance writer since 1968.he has pu Read More about Christopher Priest
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