The Island book by Ben Coes

The Island book by Ben Coes


The Island book by Ben Coes

America is about to face the deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11. Iran has been planning revenge, with three goals in mind: assassinate the President. Bring America to its knees. And neutralise their most successful agent, Dewey Andreas. When the President arrives in New York to address the U.N., embedded Iranian assets launch a bold strike, taking control of the island by blowing up the bridges and tunnels connecting Manhattan to the mainland. A shocked nation struggles to mount a counter-attack. Meanwhile, outnumbered and outgunned, Dewey Andreas sneaks onto Manhattan to fight a seemingly impossible battle... Published By Dewey Andreas Thrillers on 2021-09

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 0 pages
  • English
  • 1800325592
  • 9781800325593

About Ben Coes

i'm a new york times, usa today, and wall street journal bestselling author of international political and espionage thrillers. nine of these books are par Read More about Ben Coes
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