Becoming a Contagious Christian: Participant's Guide

Becoming a Contagious Christian: Participant's Guide


Becoming a Contagious Christian: Participant's Guide

Evangelism doesn't have to be frustrating or intimidating. Bill Hybels and Mark Mittelberg believe that effectively communicating our faith in Christ should be the most natural thing in the world. We just need encouragement and direction. In Becoming a Contagious Christian, Hybels and Mittelberg articulate the central principles that have helped the believers at Willow Creek Community Church become a church known around the world for its outstanding outreach to unchurched people. Based on the words of Jesus and flowing from the firsthand experiences of the authors, Becoming a Contagious Christian is a groundbreaking, personalized approach to relational evangelism. You will discover your own natural evangelism style, how to develop a contagious Christian character, to build spiritually strategic relationships, to direct conversations toward matters of faith, and to share biblical truths in everyday language. This landmark book presents a blueprint for starting a spiritual epidemic of hope and enthusiasm for spreading the Gospel.


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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 128 pages
  • English
  • 0310501016
  • 9780310501015

About Bill Hybels

william hybels is an american church figure and author. he is the founding and former senior pastor of willow creek community church in south barrington, i Read More about Bill Hybels
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