The Cornwalls Vanish book by James Patterson

The Cornwalls Vanish book by James Patterson


The Cornwalls Vanish book by James Patterson

Captain Amy Cornwall's family is missing. She'll do whatever it takes to bring them home. In her career as an Army intelligence officer, Amy Cornwall has seen haunting sights half a world away. None compare to the chilling scene at her Virginia home. It is empty. A phone rings with a terrifying ultimatum: locate and liberate an unnamed captive in forty-eight hours, or her kidnapped husband and ten-year-old daughter are dead. Now, and in open defiance of Army Command, Amy must employ every lethal tactic she has to save them. To succeed, she must discover not only who dispatched her on this mission, but why. Without her family, she's dead anyway. Published By Grand Central Publishing on 2020-07-28

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 353 pages
  • English
  • 1538731614
  • 9781538731611

About James Patterson

james patterson is the world’s bestselling author and most trusted storyteller. he has created more enduring fictional characters than any other nove Read More about James Patterson
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