The American spirit: Meeting the Challenge of September 11

The American spirit: Meeting the Challenge of September 11


Over a year after the most horrific terrorist event in the history of the world, Life returns to the story that it chronicled with such immediacy in the bestselling book ONE NATION. Life chronicles the war that ensued, Operation Enduring Freedom, and returns to the scenes of the original crime to watch New York, Washington and Pennsylvania rebuild and restart and see how the survivors have done in the year since the attack.

Buy Spirit of America : Meeting the Challenge of September 11 by Robert Sullivan at Attic books in Nairobi Kenya.

Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 176 pages
  • English
  • 1929049889
  • 9781929049882

About Robert Sullivan

robert sullivan (born 1967) is a māori poet, academic and editor. his published poetry collections include jazz waiata (1990), star waka (1999) and shou Read More about Robert Sullivan
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