Shades of Light: A Spiritual Memoir, A Mother and Daughter's Pathway to God

Shades of Light: A Spiritual Memoir, A Mother and Daughter's Pathway to God


"This book speaks of a relationship with God, not while life is filled with joy, but in the depth of sorrow. It tells how one mother's spirit took the journey and to her personal understanding of God. The book is not a sad tale, but like every good book shows the triumph of the human spirit. Many will read this book and find hope, and it will leave an indelible mark on everyone."

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Book details

  • Paperback
  • 200 pages
  • English
  • 1884540775
  • 9781884540776

About Phyllis Cochran

phyllis cochran has been writing and publishing stories for over twenty-five years. her work has appeared in woman's world, grit, purpose, women alive, foc Read More about Phyllis Cochran
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