Radical Hospitality: Benedict's Way of Love

Radical Hospitality: Benedict's Way of Love


Today's culture is increasingly hostile and suspicious toward anyone who appears to be different--especially when tragedy strikes. Our instinct is to bolt our doors and protect the ones we love. But deep within the heart of Benedictine spirituality lies a remedy to hatred, fear, and suspicion: hospitality. At once deeply comforting and sharply challenging, true Benedictine hospitality requires that we welcome the stranger, not only into our homes, but into our hearts. With warmth and humor, drawing from the monastic tradition and sharing personal anecdotes from their own lives, Pratt and Homan encourage us to embrace not only the literal stranger, but the stranger within and the stranger in those we love.

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  • Hardcover
  • 233 pages
  • English
  • 1557254419
  • 9781557254412

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