By What Authority? : Primer on Scripture, the Magisterium, a

By What Authority? : Primer on Scripture, the Magisterium, a


Authority is exercised in many ways and forms in the Catholic Church today. By What Authority? offers a helpful introduction to the forms of Church authority that are concerned with authentic Christian belief. Gaillardetz (Ga lar dee) explains what it means to say that the Bible is inspired, how Scripture and tradition are related to one another, the role of the Pope and bishops in preserving the Christian faith, the levels of Church teaching authority, how to deal with disagreements with Church teaching, the distinctive role of the theologians, and the contribution of all the baptized in the formation of Church teaching. This book introduces readers to a basic understanding of the nature and exercise of authority in the Catholic Church as understood within the Vision of the Church offered by the Second Vatican Council. The chapters conclude by outlining disputed issues regarding the topic of that chapter and a select list of opportunities for further reading.

Book details

  • Paperback
  • 176 pages
  • English
  • 0814628729
  • 9780814628720

About Richard R. Gaillardetz

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