Power Healing by John Wimber

Power Healing by John Wimber


“A major work on divine healing, soundly based on biblical scholarship and thoroughly immersed in hands-on ministry experiences.” —C. Peter Wagner, Fuller Theological Seminary   Power Healing by John Wimber, with co-author Kevin Springer, is an illuminating and inspiring look at the power of divine healing. Based on John Wimber’s profound belief that healing is fundamental to the ministry of Jesus Christ, Power Healing explores healing in the Old Testament and in the works of Jesus and his disciples, and offers practical models for today’s healing ministry. One of the founding leaders of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship and author of Power Evangelism and Power Points, John Wimber has given the world a classic overview of the curative power of faith.

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Book details

  • Hardcover
  • 293 pages
  • English
  • 0060695331
  • 9780060695330

About John Wimber

john richard wimber (february 25, 1934 – november 17, 1997) was an american pastor, christian author and musician. initially ordained as a quaker min Read More about John Wimber
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